Kaitlin Becker
Smith + Howard Advisory LLC
The most important aspect of my job is being dependable to our clients. I want our clients to feel comfortable and confident reaching out to me with any problem or question at any time.
Smith + Howard Advisory LLC
The most important aspect of my job is being dependable to our clients. I want our clients to feel comfortable and confident reaching out to me with any problem or question at any time.
Kaitlin is a dedicated professional committed to dependability and efficiency. She makes sure our clients are getting exactly what they need to be successful.
Kaitlin joined Smith + Howard back in 2015 as an intern and is now a Manager in our Assurance Practice. She is a member of the firm’s nonprofit, real estate, construction, and manufacturing and distribution groups, focusing on financial statement audits and employee benefit plans.
She prides herself on the commitment and focus to the firm and our clients. She is also a member of the Young Leaders Program for the Associated General Contractors of Georgia and the Women in Pensions Network.
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