The 2021 John W. Lucht Innovation Award recognizes a team member who innovated a new process or idea and implemented this innovation. The recipient of this year’s award is Julie H. Barnes, Director of Marketing at Smith and Howard.
John W. Lucht, Smith and Howard’s Managing Partner from 2010 to 2018, left a lasting impact on the firm prior to his retirement. During his tenure, Lucht fostered an environment of innovation. In recognition of Lucht’s innovative spirit, Smith and Howard created the John W. Lucht Innovation Award.
“Julie took our brands and visual identity to the next level,” explained Sean C. Taylor, Managing Partner of Smith and Howard’s Family of Companies. “In addition to the rebrands for Smith and Howard and Smith and Howard Wealth Management, Julie assisted in the launch of our subsidiary, Synexus Tax Solutions, and optimized our video and content process and strategy. I’m elated to recognize Julie’s dedication to growth and innovation this way.”
Julie joined Smith and Howard in 1993 and serves as Director of Marketing for both Smith and Howard and Smith and Howard Wealth Management. Among Smith and Howard’s recognition for marketing activities during Julie’s tenure are four Marketing Achievement Awards from the Association for Accounting Marketing, including Corporate Social Program of the Year. Julie is member of the PEAK Community, a private group of marketers committed to getting 1% better every week. She is a past member of the Thomson Reuters Checkpoint Marketing Advisory Board, a former board member of the Corporate Volunteer Council of Atlanta and a member of the Association for Accounting Marketing (AAM), where she is a past board member of the Atlanta chapter.
If you have any questions and would like to connect with a team member please call 404-874-6244 or contact an advisor below.