Smith + Howard Announces 2nd Round of Scholarships for Technology Start-Ups at Atlanta Tech Village

by: Smith and Howard

January 24, 2014

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Smith and Howard Announces Second Round of Scholarships at Atlanta Technology Village: 42 years ago Joe Smith and Jim Howard did what many accountants would never do: they left their steady, structured jobs at a national CPA firm.  Armed with ambition and a few loyal clients, Jim and Joe started their own firm where they could make the rules, ensure that clients were receiving the highest level of service, and build loyal relationships that would eventually lead to mutual growth.  Even though they weren’t developing a new application, they were in essence a start-up.  At first, they did not have the funds or the clients they needed to be successful, but after years of delivering a high quality product and exceptional advice, Jim and Joe began to realize the growth they needed to turn the firm into what it is today. 

Now it is Smith and Howard’s turn to give back to the community that they were once a part of.

As a start-up it is helpful to cut any expense that you can, including office space.  While there are still some of the cliché start-ups that are run out of a garage, many are now turning to communities that provide a forum for collaboration that also charges less than a standard office.  As a way to give back, Smith and Howard granted two scholarships to local start-ups that provided them with rent-free office space and access to the Atlanta Tech Village for 6 months. 

Starting March 1, 2014, Smith and Howard is renewing the 6-month scholarships and is looking for new recipients.  Our goal is to help someone do what Joe Smith and Jim Howard once did, take an idea and turn it into a reality.

While we want to help everyone we can, we want to make sure that you are as committed to your idea as we are.  We are looking for the following:

  • People that are working full time on their start-up
  • Exhibit growth potential with a clear vision for the future
  • Demonstrate a willingness to receive advice and guidance from the mentor team
  • Preferably a technology company, but others are welcome to apply

The space can hold up to 4 people at a time, so we are looking for one larger start-up or two smaller ones.  Applications will be accepted now through February 11, 2014 and interviews may be conducted.  Winners will be announced February 21.

If you think that you are ready for the opportunity, click here.
If you have any questions, please contact Sean Spitzer at 404-874-6244.

How can we help?

If you have any questions and would like to connect with a team member please call 404-874-6244 or contact an advisor below.